Thursday, April 4, 2019

Inspiring Magazine Designs


1962 issue of Corvette News (Vol .5, No. 1) 
featured Alan B. Shepard with a white, 1962 
Corvette coupe featuring a customized, “space-age” interior.

Keith Richards, Rolling Stone, October,2015. I love the Rolling Stones and I think this picture is really mysterious and cool of Keith Richards.


2005 Claire Valley Winery. I like this spread because of the way they displayed the text surrounding a non-existent wine bottle as it's getting filled up.

JJK magazine of Australia. I like how disoriented the text is on the right page, and the majority being a birds eye view of Australia. 


Cigarette Chesterfield Advertisement. I found this advertisement interesting because the face of this ad are cops smoking cigarettes, with one of the cops saying "my complements on your very good taste, sir".